I enjoyed learning how others
think, feel and the reasoning why.
Understanding how to effectively speak, listen and help someone.
The most helpful part was knowing that we ALL have mental health and to be kind to ourselves as well as others.
Learning about how mental health works – so many ways.
I found it all really great. Very interesting.
Be Caring

Well overdue and needed.
This needs to be mandatory training awareness for all companies.
This was by far the most informative and enjoyable mental health course I have attended.
More relevant and less 'floaty' than other courses.
The tutor was charismatic, warm and very knowledgeable.
A great course!
New Beginnings

Tracy's ability to make the course fun and interactive when dealing with such an emotive subject has been amazing.
Her passion shines through!
The content was perfect and USEFUL!
Definitely the best I have experienced.
It felt more relevant to my role and gave an opportunity to become more self aware and how I can put learning into practice.
Fantastic facilitators! Thank you!
Social Worker
Action for Children

Very informative presentation giving me a better understanding of how people feel with anxiety and how I can help them.
An amazing and inspiring session.
Tracy really made me think about myself and my self - care
– brilliant.
St Oswald's Hospice

This course is excellent and work oriented. Definitely the best mental health course I have attended.
Thank you so much!
I have completed a lot of mental health training in the past; however, ‘Mental Health Safety UK’ is far superior.
Huge thank you Tracy and her team.
Very detailed on identifying mental health, good support procedures given.
New Prospects

Informative and pitched at the correct level for my line of work and level of responsibility.
I will use the material when completing our own wellness planning, as it will make our procedures more meaningful, not just another ticky box.
It has provided reassurance that as an organisation, we have processes in place to support and safeguard in respect of mental health.
Social Worker
Northumberland County Council

This session was really useful and practical, especially the wellbeing exercises.
I will use '10 Steps to Calm' daily.

It was a pleasure to work with such an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and dedicated professional.
We created a great relationship with Tracy who tailored her sessions to our needs quickly and without fuss.
Tracy is clearly very knowledgeable on her subject matter, and this comes across in a very engaging and down-to-earth way.
Operations Manager, Head of Branch
John Lewis

First mental health course which has fully explained the understanding of mental health.
Wonderful, enthusiastic and knowledgeable instruction.
Dentists @ 146

The most helpful part was watching the module videos and Tracy then explaining it further, encouraging everyone to speak about their personal experiences.
As well as the ability to link to work / personal situations.
The workshop was excellent, I am so grateful to have been on this course.
Thank you for making me feel comfortable and thank you for the goodies.
You do an amazing job!
The workshop related real life examples to the course content and gave good examples relative to my role.
Very knowledgeable, friendly and open.
Southchurch High School

I enjoyed learning about things which I could utilise to help other students to cope with mental struggles.
The overall vibe was lovely and has made me feel equipped for wellbeing situations that may come my way.
Engaging and interactive with memorable content that I will aspire to use.